Shaping the Creative leaders of tomorrow

Aliph is an educational program and platform that aims to empower a new generation of African innovators with the skills they need to design their own sustainable future.



Leveraging digital technology, a network of world-class creative experts and partnerships with leading educational institutions, we have the opportunity to shape a new generation of creative leaders in a region hungry to make a difference.We aim to empower African creative talent with the skills and knowledge they need to change their own future and be active contributors to a sustainable world.



Our world needs global design leaders driven by purpose who will help take on massive social and environmental challenges.Africa offers an untapped pool of talent and opportunity but is underserved in terms of quality design education programs.


Our Core Beliefs

Purpose, Integrity, and Responsibility:
Our global society has an incredible opportunity to harness its collective creativity to tackle the world’s social and humanitarian challenges.
Merit-based Access to Quality Education:
Access to quality education should be based on merit, talent, and passion for the subject, all leading to sustainable opportunities.
Future-proofing Creative Education:
Our creative & educational processes are agile and dynamic, and model the approach to innovation we want to instill in our learners.



Certificate programs / badges:
We partner with the best global design programs and educators to offer a world-class, industry relevant education to high potential students from Africa. Through these certificate-based courses, we impart to our students the spirit of environmental and social responsibility, academic and creative excellence and constant curiosity.
Professional upskilling:
We understand and support the need for professional creatives to stay ahead of the technology curve and hone their skills to the need of today’s world. A course offering is being developed and will be available for teams and individuals shortly.
Immersive workshops / Learning Lab:
We are committed to creating teaching experiences that leverage state-of-the-art modalities and continuously perfect the art of learning, making Aliph a lab for continuous educational innovation.



Certificate programs / badges:
Human Centered Design
Circular Design & Innovation
Creatives Strategies
Intro to Digital Creation
Professional upskilling:
Applied Technology for Impact Design
Generative AI for Designers
Real-time visualization
Immersive workshops / Learning Lab:
AI-Augmented Learning
Advanced Remote Collaboration
Spatial Computing for Education


Future Vision

We understand the importance of space and the power of cohorts. We imagine a campus for world-class design education & conferences, embodying the principles of sustainable design and cultural relevance, thus creating a platform for global dialog around purposeful innovation and creativity that will put Africa on the world stage of social and environmental impact.



A vision without perspective is like a vessel without compass. We are grateful for the following organizations for their support, guidance and partnership.

Photo credit: Greg Hatton

IF this inspires you...


We welcome any request to be considered as a learning candidate, instructor, sponsor, or corporate partner. If this project inspires you, please reach out to discuss how you'd like to be involved!